ABC Florida East Coast Chapter is constantly hosting meetings, social events, and enriching training sessions for our local members. All you have to do is browse the provided calendar to get a better sense of our upcoming construction safety training programs, club luncheons, lectures, and networking events. Whether you’ve recently become a commercial construction contractor in the Fort Lauderdale, FL region or you would simply like to brush up on the latest construction safety regulations, we urge you to take advantage of our offerings! Our organization is proud to provide local contractors and established companies with the very latest in construction business development events.
Webinar Description
Sign up for this exclusive webinar and gain the upper hand in negotiating complex contracts by learning key strategies and tactics. Whether you deal with bespoke, American Institute of America or ConsensusDocs construction contracts, you will gain the knowledge and skills to understand preferred negotiation positions on top issues and potential fallback positions like a professional. Improve your project results with a better contractual foundation.
Discover how to prioritize consequential, liquidated and delay damages, indemnity, project financing and force majeure terms for general contractors and owners. You’ll also learn tips on modifying the standard ConsensusDocs language and leveraging specific clauses in ConsensusDocs to achieve the consensus you need. Take advantage of this opportunity to discover tools to address hot-button issues, enhance your negotiating skills, gain a competitive edge and improve your project success.