Join One Of Our Committees

ABC East Coast Chapter is constantly working to stay up to date on the issues that are important to our members. Our committees help us do just that.

The committees at ABC East Coast Chapter provide us with a plethora of insights and perspectives regarding different issues within the commercial construction industry. These insights and perspectives help give us a better idea of what is important to our members so we can better advocate for them. These committees work tirelessly throughout the year to ensure their voices are heard and to advocate on behalf of their other members. Some of our members even work with state legislators to make sure that our concerns are heard within our government.

We have a wide range of different committees that focus on various topics. We are sure you’ll be able to find one that focuses on an issue that you feel passionate about.

Learn More About Our Committees

ABC Institute Apprenticeship College – Education and Training
This committee addresses all education and training needs including, but not limited to: basic job skills, task, craft/apprenticeship, business critical skills, management and leadership edification, necessary skills to grow a business, and so much more. They develop, recommend, implement, monitor, and evaluate the industry’s education and training needs.
Chair: Dan Paulus, Shawmut Design and Construction
Immediate Past Chair: Taryn Mazone, MasTec Services, Inc.
Staff Liaison: Alberto Altamiranda

Occupational Safety and Health
This committee supports and enhances educational and training programs by continuing to update to the industry’s technical standards. Make recommendations to the ABC Institute staff relative to changes in acts affecting the construction trades.
Chair: Thomas Judge, GPRS
Staff Liaison: Rubem Da Gama

The Events committee serves to encourage participation and networking amongst ABC members in order to create a greater sense of camaraderie within the association and to promote growth to enhance the membership value.
Chair: Krystyna Ermer, Thermal Concepts
Vice Chair: TBD
Staff Liaison: Aimee Pellbring, Director of Events and Strategic Relations and Maegan Cerruti, Events Coordinator


This committee drives the legislative agenda for the chapter and discusses, among other things, federal concerns, state legislative priorities, local legislative priorities, political endorsements, public relations, and fundraising.
Chair: John Parker, PCL Construction Services, Inc.
Vice Chair: Sam Wilcox, Harm Reduction Center
Staff Liaison: T.J. Long

Membership Recruitment and Retention Committee
The Membership Committee comes together to organize and implement membership goals to aid in member recruitment and retention.
Chair: Steven Sanko, Dash Door & Glass
Vice Chair: Howard Newman, Bateman, Gordon & Sands
Staff Liaison: Jay Sweeney; Jillian Doty; Sharon Joy

Miami-Dade Council
The Miami-Dade Council is an advisory body that meets monthly to provide guidance and leadership to ABC and its presence in Miami-Dade County. The Council body is established annually.
Chair: Gustavo Arana, Mohawk Group
Staff Liaison: Jay Sweeney

Fishing Tournament
This committee comes together to plan the annual ABC-FEC Islamorada Backcountry Fishing Tournament, which benefits the ABC Florida East Coast Chapter’s Political Committee.
Co-Chairs: Brian Mueller, Southeast Mechanical Contractors and Howard Newman, Bateman Gordon & Sands  
Staff Liaisons: Aimee Pellbring, Maegan Cerruti

Young Professionals
This committee works to grow participation in the association among emerging leaders and young professionals through networking opportunities and the continued growth and cultivation of the Leadership ABC program.
2025 Chair: Erick Cervantes, ANF Group
Vice Chair: Sabrina Ponce, JGR Construction
Staff Liaisons: Aimee Pellbring, Maegan Cerruti

Tech Committee

This committee works to help with the chapter’s tech education and resources for the year, tech event planning, improving chapter engagement with tech partners, and working towards accomplishing goals for the chapter’s strategic plan.
Staff Liaisons: Aimee Pellbring, Director of Events and Strategic Relations and Maegan Cerruti, Events Coordinator
ABC National Vice President of Construction Technology and Innovation: Matt Abeles

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Contact Us Today For More Information

Interested in joining one of our committees? Call us today for more information. We can go over in detail what each of these committees do and we can help you potentially join one of these committees. Call us today.