ABC-FEC Political Action Committee
The ABC Florida East Coast Chapter is deeply committed to the principle that active engagement in politics is essential for business success, as encapsulated in the mantra "Get Into Politics or Get Out of Business." The commercial construction sector in Florida faces extensive regulation, emphasizing the critical importance of ensuring our voices are heard in legislative matters. Without proactive involvement, we risk being subjected to bills and regulations that may not align with the best interests of our businesses. If you share our dedication to advocating for our industry's needs, we invite you to consider supporting the ABC Political Committee through contributions, whether personal or corporate. Please note that contributions are not tax deductible. Your support will help us continue our efforts to protect and advance the interests of the commercial construction sector in Florida.
Legislative Successes, Together We Achieve More
With your invaluable support, the ABC Florida East Coast Chapter has achieved significant legislative victories in our industry. We take immense pride in announcing that, thanks to your collaboration, we have successfully passed multiple bills, each unanimously endorsed. These bills encompass:
• Retainage Bill: This legislation facilitates a reduction in retainage from 10% to a flat 5% rate for public construction projects.
• Permit Fee Transparency Bill: This measure enhances project predictability and certainty by ensuring transparency in permit fees.
• Workforce Education Bill: Addressing critical workforce shortages, this bill aims to bolster workforce education initiatives.
Your continued support enables our team to persist in advocating for the interests of companies and contractors across the state of Florida. Together, we can continue to effect positive change and foster a thriving construction industry landscape.

You Can Support Us At The Federal Level Too!
There are two ways to support our organization at the federal level. This includes the following:
• ABC National Political Action Committee: This money that is raised is used to help our federal cCandidates throughout their campaign efforts and while advocating for the Merit Shop Contractor. These contributions are not tax deductible and must be made through personal dollars. Contribute today!
• Free Enterprise Alliance: The ABC Free Enterprise Alliance helps to make the voice of the Merit Shop Contractor heard at all levels of government on issues that are of extreme importance to our industry in key political markets. These donations may be corporate or personal and are not tax deductible. Contribute today!
Contact Us Today For More Information
To learn more about how you can contribute to our political efforts, please give us a call today. We can answer any questions you may have about our political involvement.